How to Stay Healthy in an Office Job

Several studies have reported an association between prolonged sitting time at work and weight gain. Furthermore, studies have found that doing just a little more light, moderate or vigorous physical activity everyday can reduce your risk of premature mortality (early death) more-so than if you had an inactive/ sedentary lifestyle. My Story.. Throughout my placement …

Diet and Exercise for Beginners

Feeling a little deflated and in need of some more energy after the summer holidays? Or maybe you fancy getting into a new routine with healthier food habits and more exercise! More than ever, the media is highlighting the health consequences of a poor lifestyle including obesity, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and other health-related diseases. We’re …

What can I eat to help me sleep?

As we’re continuously being told, sleep is a vital segment of life for our productivity levels and general wellbeing. It can be difficult to get our recommended 8 hours of sleep every night with such busy lifestyles (and a tendency to check Instagram before bed). However, the mechanisms of diet promoting sleep are unclear and …

Food and Mood

Nearly everything regarding people’s eating behaviours, food choices and lifestyle is down to psychology; whether people are aware of it or not.  •Low mood can be affected by multiple aspects in our lives •Psychological factors (individual thought processes) •Environmental factors (situations, events etc.) •Genetic factors (familial aggregation)  •Biological factors (chemical pathways to do with the brain …

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