Loutritionist is feminist af

International Women’s Day is a great opportunity to enforce girl power, but we need to be listened to EVERYDAY of the year 💪🏼 As a nutritionist and an advocate of body positivity- I want to work to abolish any insecurities or perceived “flaws” you might have as a result of the beauty industry entraining them …

Nutrition and Hydration Week 2023

Nutrition and Hydration Week is an annual event used to highlight, promote and celebrate improvements in the provision of nutrition and hydration locally, nationally and globally.  Education is the first step in enabling someone to obtain good nutrition and hydration.  Whilst there is no one way to achieve a healthy, balanced diet, it’s important for …

Migraines and dietary triggers

Dietary triggers 🥓🧡Poor eating pattern- missed, delayed or irregular mealsDehydration🧡Alcohol🧡Caffeinated products, such as tea, coffee and chocolateSpecific foods, such as citrus fruit, fruit juices, olives, nuts and nut butters🧡Foods containing the substance tyramine, which include cured meats, yeast extracts, pickled herrings, smoked fish (like smoked salmon), and certain cheeses such as cheddar, mozzarella, stilton, feta, …

I’m trying Veganuary- do I need a supplement?

If you follow a vegan diet or you’re considering going vegan/ following a predominantly plant based diet- What nutrients might you be lacking?.💚Iron💚Vitamin B12💚Iodine💚Selenium.The Rhitrition+ multivitamin capsule supplement gives your body these four vital nutrients in the recommended doses which are often lacking in a vegan diet.Can I still take the vegan multivitamin even if …

2023: New Year, New Goals?

As we try and plough through the never-ending dark, cold and depressing month that is January, I’m going to share tips for implementing and STICKING to new habits for a happier and healthier you this year ✌🏼.🧡Make your goals SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound). For example, if you want to eat more fruit and …

How to deal with weight gain

🧡Weight gain might be a daunting and perhaps terrifying thought, but it may be a healthy step away from a lifestyle consumed by diet culture and restriction which can damage both your physical and mental health. Here are a few tips that might help with handling weight gain. 🧡THINK ABOUT WHAT ELSE YOU HAVE GAINED- …

Tips for good gut health

💗Give plants a starring role in your diet💗Include probiotics including fermented foods, live yoghurt, kefir, kimchi or sauerkraut, miso or kombucha💗Add extra veg/pulses to your meals- Remember, variety is the spice of life!💗Choose whole fruits and vegetables instead of juices 🥤💗Keep skin on fruit and veg💗Include wholegrains💗Drink plenty of water! 💧Ensure you’re drinking at least …

How much Vitamin D do I need?

🧡According to the NHS, adults and children aged 1+ should consume 10ug a day. From April to September, most people should be able to make sufficient amounts of vitamin D from the sun. Babies below the age of 1 need 8.5-10ug of vitamin D per day.🧡Sources of vitamin D Include:💛Oily fish including salmon, sardines, mackerel, …

Healthy Hydration

💦The Eatwell Guide recommends we drink 6-8 glasses/ 1.2-1.5L of fluids each day 🥤 💧Water, milk and sugar-free drinks including tea and coffee all count ☕️ 🥃We should be limiting the number of soft drinks like fizzy drinks and fruit juices high in sugar and caffeine to prevent weight gain and tooth decay 🍊🦷 💦Drinking …

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