What do Nutritionists do?


I recently renewed my registration as an Associate Nutritionist for a 3rd year. So, I thought Iā€™d share the Association for Nutritionā€™s definition of a Nutritionist!

In general, nutritionists provide evidence-based information and guidance about the impacts of food and nutrition on the health and wellbeing of humans (at an individual or population level) or animals. It is important that nutritionists have a good understanding of the scientific basis of nutrition.

Registered Associate Nutritionists (ANutrs) are individuals with a minimum of honours-degree level knowledge and understanding of nutrition science. They are qualified and competent to provide evidence-based information.

Registered Nutritionists (RNutrs) additionally have a number of years professional practice experience and have demonstrated they are both qualified and competent in the application of nutrition science within their specialist area.

There are many paths a career in nutrition can follow- including public health, dietetics or in food, but none exist in isolation. Although initial employment could be in one area, this could be the stepping stone to diversifying or specialising in another area of nutrition.

This week also marks 1 year since I joined the the NHS as a Healthy Living Hub Advisor. Our work is funded by Public Health England and we work to help both patients and staff across North and Central London in eating better, quitting smoking and managing alcohol intake.

Any questions? Please let me know ā˜ŗļø

@Loutritionist– Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & TikTok

Published by loutritionist

Nutrition graduate- having recently finished a master's in Nutrition with Obesity and Weight Management at Sheffield Hallam University, now working as a nutritionist within the care sector. I'm also taking on clients outside of my job. Please contact me via social media or email loutritionist@gmail.com for more information regarding a consultation.

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